Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Baby is 5!

SIGH... She is 5 today and I am amazed that the time went by so quickly! When did 5 years go by in a blink of an eye? ? Not only that but what have I been doing these past five years??? And man if she is five then (gulp) I am five years older
When did this all happen? Was I asleep, numbed by the experience of motherhood? Where did this time go? I remember when she was bitty baby the smallest of my bunch and she squawked like a little bird whenever she was hungry. In fact we called her lil' Becca bird.
Last night I told her I was gonna hold her tight so she would not become five and she informed me that when you eat cake and open present then you change into another year. So I told her I was not gonna give her any cake and she said "mommm, you can't do that , it just happens"
Happy Birthday Little Princess, and you are right it just happens before momma's eyes.


rita said...

No no no, not listening... if I put my fingers in my ears and shut my eyes really tight, than it didn't really happen!! FIVE!?

Caroline told me and Gino two days ago that she was going to be five this year and I started to cry!

No more growing!!!

Becca Boo... you are such a princess!! Happy Birthday!

terilynn said...

Shoot - mine will be 15 this year. I'm way too young for this!!!