Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hair DO or Don't-- My Medusa Theory

My theory is, that Medusa was totally misunderstood. I think she had curly hair and that her hair was unmanageable. She did not have the right hair products and this is why her hair appeared to have snakes in it-- it was just out of control curls! And all those guys who appeared to have turned to stone were really trying not to move for fear that she would unleash her wrath on them!

I decided it was time for a new do! It had only been a month since I chopped off a couple of inches but I felt it was time to get spunky! All the hair was draggin me down and so I felt it was time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I had a post Op Check with a doctor who was not mine today. He really did not have a sense of humor, neither did the nurse whose name was also Gina. (I do not think this was her real name because all Gina's have a sense of humor!)
Anyhow, They wheeled in this big machine, and attached to it was a long suction thing that looked thin enough that it might fit up someones nose if that is what it was for. Turns out the long thin thing was indeed a vacuum of some sort for your nose and not only did it vacuum it also had a camera that you could see up ones nose if you were not closing your eyes because you were freaking out about the suction noise!
The doctor without the sense of humor found a blockage that he decided needed to be tugged on to get out. The blockage was not coming out - not even with the all powerful sucky think-- not only that but I think it was attached because I almost passed out twice while he tried his best to pull on it.
Having to leave it in my nose for the time being his advice was for me to rinse my nose as much as possible and perhaps that would loosen it up for my appointment on Monday with my doctor, and to take pain medication before the next appointment!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

surgery-- it's all about the nose!

I am slowly recovering from sinus surgery. Apparently your head is suppose to be full of air. Mine was not! My husband could not accuse me of being an "Air Head" because I only had a pinkie point full of air in my upper sinus cavity. The rest of my sinuses were full of mucus and infection! Fun, no wonder I couldn't handle breathing, much less weather changes! After living with this for some years, (actually a lot of years!) I decided that it was time to see what could be done.
Being a military spouse though we go to the military clinic and get help. In the past I have gotten to see some doctors that have wanted to try their turn at solving my problem without actually looking at my problem (fix the symptoms not the cause!) This was the first installation that took one look at me and referred me off base to an ENT.
And am I glad they did!
The first thing the ENT did was get a CT scan. That's how I know I am not an Air-head!
We then scheduled a time to have surgery because any medication that I had been trying to get up there, no way to get it inside my sinuses with all the blockage.
Thankfully my mom came down to help me with surgery and recovery.
The surgery went good. I really did not have any pain after, and not swelling or black and blue marks that I had expected. I think that was a huge relief to my family.
The only thing is I can not pick up anything or bend down. No Housework for me for awhile!!!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

First Communion

Rebecca on the night of her First Communion, she looked so beautiful and she could not stop smiling.
She was so excited to get to experience the full acceptance of Jesus in her life by receiving the Body and Blood of our Christ.
What a wonderful day this was to witness!

The veil she is wearing was the veil I wore during my First Communion. What a treasure to pass down.