Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I had a post Op Check with a doctor who was not mine today. He really did not have a sense of humor, neither did the nurse whose name was also Gina. (I do not think this was her real name because all Gina's have a sense of humor!)
Anyhow, They wheeled in this big machine, and attached to it was a long suction thing that looked thin enough that it might fit up someones nose if that is what it was for. Turns out the long thin thing was indeed a vacuum of some sort for your nose and not only did it vacuum it also had a camera that you could see up ones nose if you were not closing your eyes because you were freaking out about the suction noise!
The doctor without the sense of humor found a blockage that he decided needed to be tugged on to get out. The blockage was not coming out - not even with the all powerful sucky think-- not only that but I think it was attached because I almost passed out twice while he tried his best to pull on it.
Having to leave it in my nose for the time being his advice was for me to rinse my nose as much as possible and perhaps that would loosen it up for my appointment on Monday with my doctor, and to take pain medication before the next appointment!


Whispering 60 said...

this really sounds complicated and very painful!!! sorry I wasn't there to help....

Lora said...

Hope it goes well on Monday.