Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hair DO or Don't-- My Medusa Theory

My theory is, that Medusa was totally misunderstood. I think she had curly hair and that her hair was unmanageable. She did not have the right hair products and this is why her hair appeared to have snakes in it-- it was just out of control curls! And all those guys who appeared to have turned to stone were really trying not to move for fear that she would unleash her wrath on them!

I decided it was time for a new do! It had only been a month since I chopped off a couple of inches but I felt it was time to get spunky! All the hair was draggin me down and so I felt it was time.


Whispering 60 said...

Really do like the new look!!!! can't wait to see how it reacts on the beach!

Lora said...

Me too! Embrace your inner curl! Poor Medusa was just misunderstood. She really needed some conditioner. Maybe avocado and mayonnaise...