Monday, December 27, 2010

life changes

I have neglected my blog for quite a long time -- judging from the dates! So much has happened in the last few months that it seems like a life time ago.
In October I switched from middle school to elementary and I am now teaching 5th grade. I love it -- but it has been a lot of sorting my way through things and trying to fit in as my partner has been doing it for 3 years and her and the previous teacher were very good friends. A lot of the time I feel like I am in the wait and see mode (as in wait and see how we are going to teach this, wait and see what we are going to teach, wait and see what projects we are going to do etc....) Unfortunately, I am also going against the clock since my wonderful husband got selected to be a Squadron Commander in CO starting this summer. So now I don't even get to use my new knowledge about 5th grade next year.
I am very excited for him but it is hard to put into words how this effects me. I will always support him and want him to go as far as he can to achieve what he wants out of his career however, it is at the cost of my newly discovered career.
When we first got married we decided that he would be the bread winner and I would raise the family, and so I have tried to do that as best as I can making a house a home where ever we are. When we were in Florida I went back to work for the first time in 10 years after Becca started school full time. My job was part time and I was at home for them before and after school it worked out great.
When we moved to Utah we had to put all 3 kids in private school and so I have been working to pay for that full time.
I have discovered in the last year and a half may things 1) working full time and being a mom full time is hard to do! 2) Moms need time alone everyday just to rejuvenate! 3) kids -- my kids need to take on more responsibilities! 4) I like teaching.
So I guess the idea of all this rambling is just to say that I am having a hard time wanting to move and although I hate being in Utah I am enjoying my job.

1 comment:

Whispering 60 said...

I know the plans I have for you says the in the Lord!