Thursday, August 31, 2006

Stuck in the house

Well Ernesto seemed to lose its power by the time it hit my house but we still saw a hurricane.
Seems being locked in the house with a nervous black lab, a restless husband an three kids full of energy is enough to totally destroy a house. Needless to say today will be spent in full recovery mode. Thankfully everyone is now back were they belong-- school and work-- and I have the house all to myself to tackle the job!
With all the time indoors, that ugly fan finally made it on my ceiling and the package to my sister made it out the door and into Greg's car to be mailed! So that knocked off two of the ten things that needed to be done.


rita said...

wow !
I had the reverse experience today. stuck in the house...
with no one else!
what a treat. it was so quiet. i actually cat-napped! the kids were gone from 8:30-4 at a friends house, and gino was home from work by 4:30. the bedrest saga continues...
sorry about the ugly fan.
looking forward to the package...

JUST ME said...

Okay -- man you are pushy ;)

rita said...

I prefer "proactive" ;)