Wednesday, February 21, 2007

30 min. challenge

I vacuumed my car today and it only took 30 minutes. I know this because Bec had a field trip that I agreed to drive for but then when I dropped her off and looked in the back I noticed the mess. You know when you look at your things with your eyes they tend to be okay, passable, it will do for now because I don't have time to clean it, change it etc... Well I looked at my van with eyes of someone getting into for the first time and let me tell you, it was disgusting! There were wrappers of all sorts of thing I don't even remember giving my kids. (when did we eat Popsicles in the van???) Crayons, socks (no wonder my oldest claims he has none), fast food toys(they were the first things in the trash), cards to a memory game (who plays that in the car??), hair clips (no wonder her hair always looks like a mess), flowers (I mean weeds), and dirt from every corner of the world I am sure! So I tossed it all in a big box threw the garbage out and vacuumed. Now my car looks clean -- I would even sit back there!
Anyhow, so I thought, this only took 30 minutes. What else am I neglecting that would only take 30 minutes or less??? There has to be other stuff I never get to but would not take long at all. Like clean the sliding glass window, fold my socks, toss out the magazines, weed, or clean up the entertainment center. So I figured if I gave myself this challenge of doing just one of these things a day maybe then I would feel something got done- even if I did not do anything else all day at least for 30 min. I achieved something! So there it is. My challenge. Wonder what tomorrow's 30 minute chore should be????

1 comment:

rita said...

hmm... maybe this is how my windows will get washed.???