Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Grateful for my appliances

On the Today show this morning I saw this story about a mother of 4 who gave up all her electronic devices for 7 days. At first I thought "oh, so she gave up the TV and computer." But no- it got worse. Not only did she have to give these things up but she gave up the microwave, dishwasher and vacuum but most importantly this mother gave up her washer and drier! Is this what's going on in America that we have to torture a SAHM with giving up the things that make her life smoother??? The poor woman had to wash the clothes by hand and air dry them -- plus it took her 8 hours to do this chore. Who has 8 hours to devote to washing clothes??? I know people have way too many clothes and this is what we use to do, etc... but we have evolved these things save us time. Not to mention do you know what a pit my house would look like or how insane I would be if my kids did not veg in front of the TV or computer for a bit???? Lets not even talk about my carpets with no vacuum! Gross!
Today I am thankful for all my appliances!!!

1 comment:

rita said...

oh my gosh! I cannot imagine no appliances... that is just crazy wrong. how sad- but the appliance I use the most these days is the tv... yes, it's all about having a few minutes to "catch up" while the kids watch a program.