Monday, February 26, 2007

Home Alone

With 3 kids for two weeks.
Does this sound like the latest horror flick or the latest reality game? Well, for me it is a reality. So far no one has been voted off. One of the telling signs for me that my dh is gone is that I have a hard time sleeping when he is not home. I seem to hear every little thing when I finally do go to bed at 1 or 2 am and the only thing that makes me feel any better is Bec comes to bed with me about that time and then with someone else in the bed with me I can go to sleep. Weird huh?? It must be her snoring that makes me feel better?? I mean really when he is here he does not get up to check on all the little noises for me and 9 out of 10 times he does not hear even the kids when they wake up in the middle of the night. So after a week of not sleeping I am now exhausted and able to go to sleep earlier than usual. I'll chat more tomorrow -- I have lots of adventures to share about this week. Good night...

1 comment:

rita said...

I think I would elect to vote myself off. Is that possible? Maybe not. Maybe you are the Jeff of the island. You present the different challenges for each kid and if they can't compete, off to the gators with you! :)