Monday, February 19, 2007

Run Forest, Run

So I am running now. I can call myself (dramatic pause for effect), a runner. If you knew me for the true couch potato that I am you would know that this is a down right miracle . You know one of those seeing the face of Jesus on toast kind of things... Anyhow I am running. As of December 15. I know this because that was the date that I ran a Jingle Bell run with my oldest and almost lost him because he was way ahead of me in the race and he decided to go back and look for me after he finished but couldn't find me and it was dark and .... well now I am a runner. Actually not because of that but because of the fact that after that I was so sore and did not want to experience that soreness again so I kept running.
I actually like it. It is very freeing and I am by myself -- in fact it is the only time that I can leave my house and my husband is thrilled to see me go (he is a runner) and nobody- NOBODY questions where I am going or wants to go with me. I just get to go.
In my running I find my favorite days to go are garbage days I like to see what everyone is throwing out. You can totally tell what people have been up to during the weekend by the garbage they throw out. Beer bottles and wine boxes = party, old furniture = redoing the rooms, Assorted boxes = cleaning the garage.
I don't go for very long just 30 min. but it is enough time to clear my head and listen to my music and rejuvinate. This is the only time that I listen to my husbands hard rock-- you know ACDC and Poison.. There are alot more but this is who I remember. It keeps me going the thumping of the beat and I have to watch myself that I don't sing out "welcome to the Jungle..."
So, I am a runner.

1 comment:

rita said...

I have to tell you, I'm so impressed with the running.
Just thinking about running makes my chest hurt!! :)
YOU have inspired me to get back on the bike though! yesterday and today... and no, I will NOT weigh myself to see if I lost anything yet... especially since this evening I feasted on sausages and homemade mac n' cheese.
love you!