Friday, March 09, 2007

To the store

Well today my baby is sick -- She was up all night last night just hot and looking bad-- She was quite chatty at 2:30 am but she still looked like she has a cold. So I kept her home today. I think there is something going around school because one of her little friends went home on Wed. morning and another one was out yesterday. So needless to say this ruined my plans to restock my pantry.
Yesterday I got a wild hair and cleaned my walk in pantry out (actually I was trying to find room for all my leftover pictures that are taking up precious space in my scrapbook cabinet) So the pantry was all cleaned out and you could totally tell I have not been to do a big grocery store run in along time. My middle child came home from school and the first thing he did (actually the first thing he does every afternoon!) is head for the pantry for a snack. He opened the door and stopped and with big eyes he yells -"Mommy, What happened to all our food????" It was very funny but this tells me several things 1. The pantry was a total mess. and 2. I need to get food.
So with Bec being sick it ruined my plans. Well, my sweet and stupid husband says -you could still go she looks fine to me . And I am about to explain to him that I am not gonna drag a 4 year old who has fleeing moments of feeling good (like the one he just witnessed) only to have her crash in the middle of a 2 hour excursion. Not only that but the whole "mommy can I have ...." with the whole sick eyes look that makes me feel guilty for even dragging her out.
I am just not going to do that. I realize just as I am about to say all these things to him that he would not get it, so I don't bother.
I will have to however go for a quickly trip to the store because well we have nothing for dinner. So wish me luck.

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